Tuesday, 26 November 2013

When Art and Tech combines..

This guy's tattoo is so cool... All it took was an elaborately designed Matrix code & a few hours of inking skin... 

(Source : Youtube.com)

Disruptive technologies with Erik Brynjolfsson: Technologies to watch

I want that Self-Driving car too...

(Source : Youtube.com)

The Economic Impact of Information Technology

An interesting talk on how IT impacts productivity and economy. I find the talk to be eye-opening and personally, a Eureka moment for me...

(Source : Youtube.com)

The Economic Impact of Information Technology

An interesting talk on how IT impacts productivity and economy. I find the talk to be eye-opening and personally, a Eureka moment for me...

Saturday, 23 November 2013

I came, I saw & I panic...

(Source:  www.Apple.com)

I recently had the honour of giving a short presentation to MBA students on any system used at work. A real life experience sharing session with fresh grads I decided to choose a basic yet most value-adding & time saving in my work life. I literally spent the entire night & morning pimping up my training slides. I have to say it's one of my best work yet, given I only worked on it for a few hours.
But 15 minutes into my presentation, my band new less than 6-months old 13-inch Macbook Air's screen went blank. I start to panic. Inwardly I was a wreck waiting to explode, outwardly I was calm, collected and a with a dash of wacky.

I calmly ask assistance from one of the student to plug in the power supply but the screen was still blank. I calmly push any and all buttons on the keyboard to rejuvenate the laptop with no success. After several failed attempts, I gave up trying & left the laptop to charge. An hour later my Macbook still wont turn on. In my near hysterics, my Baby-Boomer friend calmly peeled back the keyboard protector sheet & pushed the On button. The Macbook sprang to life. She turned to me & said "Its not rocket science, babe"...

It was a rare 'Blonde Moment' for me... To this day, I still cant get those haunting words out of my mind..

The lesson learnt today was:
1 - Jangan Riak, Takbur dan Bongkak.. Kan da tak dapat show-off slideshow yang terbang-merbang
2 - Keep my laptop fully charged during presentations
3 - Always know where to find the laptop On/Off button

But since i already worked hard on this slideshow, I'm gonna share my ESS Presentation here and while go crawl under a rock for a few days...

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Let The Store Come To The People

I don't really enjoy grocery shopping.. Maybe because i always end up buying things that I dont need and forgetting to get the things i actually came to buy.. Shopping lists dont help either...  I blame it on the Shopaholic in me...

Can't wait for this tech to come to Malaysia.. But then again, I'd have to start taking the train to work... 

(Source : Youtube.com)

I grew up in an age where Muppets were high tech…

Remember the time when Muppets were the greatest technological advancement in the movie industry and Back To The Future was considered beyond its time... Those were the days when life was simple and streets were safe...
Since then there have been a lot of 
(Source : www.youtube.com)